Breathe Beyond

Are you seeking emotional & mental clarity?
Do you want to optimise your health & wellbeing with your breath?
Are you interested in improving your overall relaxation, sleep & pain management?
Do you feel haunted by your child hood traumas?  ​
Do you find yourself stuck or blocked in life?
How does it feel for you to be supported & held in a space of presence that will enable you to consciously take your next steps in life?

It’s so simple. Use your breath & breathe beyond!
We are here to support you. Because it’s not that easy.

Breath-Wellness & Conscious Connected Breathwork

Awaken your consciousness
to the expanded sense
of who you really are.
Tap again into your
natural state of FLOW”

Breathe Beyond!

Inhaling. Exhaling. It is that simple, just not as easy - especially if you want to utilise your breath at any time, in any circumstance to stay calm, to be clear, to feel refreshed, to process emotions, to stay focused - you name it! This is why we want to educate you on how to use the whole spectrum of your breathing capacity: to benefit the entirety of your being - the mental, physical and emotional aspects.


You wouldn’t almost believe how effective Breath-Wellness is. Instantly. It just needs a little effort from your side: your presence with your breath and body. We help you to embody that.

Breath-Wellness aims for you to befriend your breath, to use your breath as your power tool, to breathe your breath as your intimate medicine, to fully connect with your breath.

  • Why wouldn’t you want to benefit your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing through your breath?

    Breath-Wellness educates about the mechanics of your breath, the interplay with your nervous system, about efficient breathing and how there is no such thing than breathing “wrong” but rather unintentional.

  • Breath-Wellness can equip you to breathe healthily, efficiently during your pregnancy and support the birth of your baby. You learn breathing techniques to help you relax in the beginning phase, to manoeuvre through the contraction waves and to get familiar with the birth breath. We also use the power of the subconsciousness to make you feel extra safe and confident in the birth environment and during birth.

    Three one hour sessions are mostly enough to prepare you and your breath for birth. You will receive the audios from the sessions which you can use inbetween sessions as a help for your own breathing practice.

  • Breath meditations are made especially for your needs: to calm your mind, to help balancing your blood pressure, to manage pain, to gain trust in your body and life itself, to release anxiety and to let go of your sorrow. You will receive your personalised audio mediation which is usually 10-15 minutes long.

Conscious Connected Breathwork

Connect with your breath and connect your in- and out-breaths together. Yes – it really is as simple as that. You breathe continuously- rhythmically, deeply and with a certain softness.

With each and every breath of connected Breathwork we are able to thrive in our most natural state of flow. We experience a deep connection with our “higher Self” or, in other words, our heart’s innate wisdom.

Are you ready to breathe beyond? To breathe beyond the core limiting beliefs you have about yourself? Beyond your fears? Beyond your many identities and roles? Beyond your ideas about yourself? Beyond your doubts? Beyond your trauma and disappointments?

Who stands behind Breathe Beyond?

Felicia and Francesco, committed, dedicated, passionate Breathworkers who have experienced their lives being radically transformed through Breathwork – through nothing more than developing a conscious connection between the inhale and exhale. Ultimately this connection is - on a deeper level - a connection with themselves. The purpose of Breathe Beyond is to support others on their own path towards holistic, embodied wellbeing in private sessions, retreats and the facilitator training.

We see ourselves and you as whole. Nothing to fix. Nothing to improve. Nothing to change, nothing to gain. The breathwork process supports to peel off layer by layer - like an onion - of inherited roles, limiting beliefs, deep traumas, paralysing fears and much more that hinder our your potential to shine forth. It is a true honour to assist you on your own journey of self-discovery and healing. Beyond your mind - into the expanded sense of who you are.



Private Sessions